I drop myself whole
into the sheer, blank sky
primal wings arched
to feel how the air
will catch them.
Only then will I know
how light I had been all along
how soft the fall
how great the chance
that I am safe.


Cartoon Dragon Walking

I am a self-published poet, CHANGELING- Poems of Risk, Trust and Transformation is available on Amazon as e-book and paperback. [scroll for links] Other poetry has been published singly in anthologies in Scotland and USA. I sing and perform spoken word in Providence Rhode Island where I live. My performance background informs my writing—it reads as I talk.

I am a Memoirist, with one manuscript seeking an agent.

As writing careers go, I took the slow path. I scribe narrative non-fiction, stories of real life adventures in travel, crammed with odd characters and my own gullability. So perhaps subconsciously, I went out and BROKE my LIFE in 2011 by moving to Europe after my father’s death. This made my emotional meanderings actually poignant—I have a PLOT! I didn’t need to manufacture the quest of my manuscript, working title, “Tartan and other Hereditary Patterns.” Truth is F*ed up enough. And it ultimately informs constant transformations. Not done!

I am an expert in my field, as a holistic Structural Integrator (a.k.a. Rolfer(r)). I write articles and teaching materials on anatomy, posture, somatics and energy hygiene. I have been published in my trade magazines and Massage Magazine (2010). This experience has informed my unique voice in memoir as well. So you could say I have a “prescriptive memoir” flair.

Integration is inevitable.

Other projects include a picture book on the humor of depression, a guide to remembering dreams, a somatic bodyworker’s guide to use of metaphor. These will either be self-published or if you’re an agent, let’s do this together!

Every day I come up with at least one perfect title, catch phrase or funny chapter heading. Without humor, what good is all the death-defying suffering?

Available on Amazon and bookstores in Providence RI
(click on picture)

Octopus tentacles toy

Tentacular Metaphors